Saturday, August 4, 2012

Saturday. August 3, 2012

Hi guys,

We thought we would update you on our weekend so far.

 We went biking on the Old Abe Trail from Jim Falls to Cobban.  It was a perfect day.

 The happy bikers,

We stopped at Klinger Market Farms north of Chippewa Falls to pick up some sweet corn.  Good sweet corn has been hard to come by this summer but we found a winner in the Klinger Farms sweet corn.  Mary had also picked up some green beens and zuchini at the Farmer's Market in Eau Claire this morning.

 It was such a nice night, we ate our evening meal on the porch.

Backing up a couple of weekends, we went camping at Coon Forks with our church group the weekend of July 21 & 22.  You will notice Big Blue is missing from this picture.  Big Blue headed to Rawhide Ranch to start another chapter in its life.  Yes, there are tarps.  We had rain Friday night and Saturday morning.  The rest of the weekend turned into very nice weather.

This is an interesting picture.  We now have good water pressure!  We had Certified Plumbing come out.  They did something which increased our water pressure!  You can't believe it is the same shower.

Instead of barely making it to the top of the pipe and dribbling out, we now have water pressure that shoots the water across the shower to the opposite wall!  We know, but this is making us very happy!

1 comment:

chelsea o said...

The improved shower is VERY EXCITING!!!! Gosh that shower was so awful before! That is a huge life changer. Love the pics! Dinner on the porch looks nice. SEE YOU IN ONE WEEK!