Monday, December 26, 2011

More Christmas

Hi Chelsea and Edwin, 

Here are a few more pictures to wrap up our Christmas weekend.

Uncle Hugh came over about 4:00 PM and we started opening presents again.  Brady resumed his role as present-unwrapper-in-chief.

 We gave Hugh a floor lamp.  Brady is unwrapping it here.

Santa gave Brady a Little Tikes indoor basketball hoop.  Adam sent the request to Santa on Brady's behalf.  It was the biggest box to be opened this weekend.

Dan and Nancy came over for our Christmas Day dinner.  We had a delicious dinner of ham, scalloped potatoes (made from the left over fondue cheese) and of course Christmas jello!  Nancy made her chocolate dessert.

After dinner we brought out the Michigan Rummy.  It was a lively game and a lot of fun!  Brady was in bed.  How Brady slept though our racket means he must have been very tired.

Grandma won the game with her winning combination of the King & Queen of hearts.

Monday, December 26.  Grandma Mary and Brady spent quite a bit of quality time together this morning.  Here they are in Brady's "hiding" place behind the recliner in our family room.

Notice the food processor and egg cooker.  Brady received some play cupcakes and some play pizza from Uncle Hugh.  Here they are in the food processor along with some duplo blocks.

And of course, one of Brady's favorite activities at Grandma and Grandpa's house is playing in the sink.

Mary and Brady doing a little reading in the living room.

 Andrea and Brady drawing with crayons.

 Adam, Dad and Tim playing a game Tim gave Adam.

 Brady woke up this morning singing "Jingle Bells"  He insisted that Mary play a CD with the song Jingle Bells.
 Brady thinks getting into boxes is great fun.  He wanted Grandpa to get in this box with him.

A new place to rest!  Brady cleared off the encyclopedias and made himself at home.


Edwin and Chelsea said...

What a riot!!! Love the pictures!! Michigan Rummy- we haven't played that game in years! It used to be our go-to game. It's an oldie but a goodie!!

adam and andrea said...

What a wonderful Christmas!! We can't wait to keep the celebration going in Austin!